Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Historical Campian

Today, Election day, but not just any election day, today is the election day that will make history. We could have our first black president, or our first vice president that is a female. Today it finally just hit me that we could have a black president, I was fine with it through this whole election until this morning, when it really came right down to it. I got scared if Obama did win, what would happen. I have never judge anyone by color, but I guess I am afraid of that much change, I want, and am comfortable with another old, white man, who has been in politics for a long time.

I wonder why I was feeling this way, I didn't understand, then I started to think, can a human have it engraved in their brain what happened in history, do I as a white person unconsciously still look down upon blacks, because of our history of slaves, and racism. Is that were this feeling of not believing Obama can correctly lead us. Then just think of the change of someone being younger, not looking like the old wrinkling, man with white hair sitting in office and leading us. We all want change, but do we truly, or do we go back to what has possibly been unconsciously engraved that we still look down at blacks, we still don't want this change when it really comes down to it.

This reminds me of even our human body, lets say you were stabbed in the leg once, if anything ever comes near that area that you were stabbed, no matter how many years later, your body will protect itself however it can from it happening again. Are we afraid of racial issues starting again because of a black president, and I am trying to protect myself.

I am back typing after an hour or so and Obama has 338 electoral votes and McCain only with only 127, therefore Obama won. I am the only person who had this feeling? Do others now have it because he is actually president? I am the only one with this feeling because of what my family believes about him? Or because I am a republican? Can we all truely handle this much change all at once? Or can just I? Should I be worried, is it right, does it mean I am racist? Others will probably think that way, maybe I am just afraid of such a change, and I am attatch to my own republican belief.

1 comment:

weezy said...

I really think this is a strong and have good word choice actually kind of like Barrak Obama.....i disagree with everyone eho thinks that this is unclear or too much repition i think it it fantabulous and i love it!!!!
you should run for presidency!!! haha