Sunday, October 19, 2008

What Ones Are At The Top Of Your List? Do You Agree Or Disagree With Me?-------(My Top Three Amendments)

A life with out these three amendments, would be a mess, would not be fair. This is why I feel that the three most important amendments in out Bill of Rights, besides the first amendment are the sixth, the ninth, and the tenth. First off, the sixth amendment guarantees the right of an accused person in criminal cases to a trial by jury, representation by an attorney, and a speedy trial. The promises the amendment makes to the people of the United States is that they are represented by an attorney, even if you can not afford to be, one will be assigned to you. This I feel makes a fair case, and a fair fight. Another part of this is that you actually get to go in front of a jury to plead you case. The last guarantee is a speedy trail. Can you imagine if you were accused of a crime, that you didn’t actually commit, and they postpone the trail for years and years. Without the promise to a speedy trial you could be stuck in jail for all those years and not even actually be guilty. It would only get worse if you couldn’t have someone defend you because you cannot afford an attorney, then you would have no chance of being free, you would end up stuck in jail because you don’t have enough money. And without this amendment to make it worse is if you didn’t even get the right to plead your case in front of a jury, meaning you will just get stuck in jail, with no evidence of a crime, no chance to fight against it. There are three extremely important rights inside this one amendment that promise a fair fight, for your freedom, if you really didn’t commit a crime.

Another amendment that I feel is important is the ninth amendment that declares that people have rights beyond those mentioned in the constitution. It is important, especially as days are changing that we can create new rights that every American citizen should be guaranteed. Such as the right to property, and the right to health care. The constitution sets what all laws are based off of, these are what few rights everyone has, and cannot be taken away, and we base almost everything off of these, but we still should be able to expand.

Without this amendment we would not have some rights like to health care, property, and a right to education. These are only three rights not written in the bill of rights. If health care was not a right everyone had, we wouldn’t be able to get into the hospital if we were seriously sick or injured, just because we can’t afford it. Should we get incredibly sick, of badly injured and have to deal with the pain, or maybe even the chance of death because and what if we can’t afford to get help. This is a right we all deserve, and shouldn’t be based on the amount of money one has.
The right to property, is important because it is only human to protect our property, to have valuables that cannot be broken into on our property, to feel safe from robbers breaking in, to protect our hard earned work, all the money we put into our houses, our cars, to know it is ours and that it is being protected by the government and this right that isn’t mentioned in the bill of rights but one that everyone should have.

The last right that I will discuss that is very important to us as people, and the reason we have it is because of the amendment stating that we have rights beyond those stated in the constitution, is the right to education. Education is important to everyone, and everyone deserves a equal chance to a life with a good education. This has been denied to blacks during slavery, and in some other countries to women. We are lucky to have the right to education, to not be denied a successful career, not be denied to learn, to read wonderful books, reach our full potential as possible writers, mathematicians and scientists. Without the eighth amendment, we would not be able to expand on the rights inside the Bill of Rights, therefore possibly denying these few examples of a persons right to health care, property and education, plus many more which were not discussed.

The tenth amendment I feel, is one of the most important out of the three I picked, it declares that powers not specifically given to the federal government belong to the states or the people. This is what democracy runs off of, that one person does not have all power and the people have some and that is split across multiple governments, including state and local governments. If the government were to have all the power we would have no say in our lives, in the laws we have to follow, in creating laws to make a better country, we wouldn't get to have a say in anything. Everyone gets power hungry, it is only human nature, with this amendment we can hold back from the amount of power one person gets, creating our democracy. Without this amendment we could become a place ruled by unlimited power, becoming a country with a government system of monarchy, a place where there is one leader, controlling everything. If would be possible that we become a communism, our leaders are greedy for power and money, with the government system of communism, where we are led by one group, who also controls our economics. So much could happen, and the way I see it, the way our country is ran can only get worse with out this amendment holding back our government they could take over.

I think that at times the tenth amendment is being violated. That our government is getting bigger and bigger. It seems that all the time, we are adding more laws, therefore needing more government officials to make sure everyone is following them. This makes our government system larger and larger, seeming to watch and control a lot that we do. I think we should have more freedom and watch out for ourselves. I don’t know if other see the government growing larger and larger, but I think it is happening and I also believe that at one point it will become to big and powerful and the only way to fix it, is to get rid of all our laws go back to the basic amendments and start over.

This is a good question I think for everyone to answer, do you think our government is growing bigger and bigger and sneakily over time gaining more and more power with out us much realizing it. The other part of this is, are the people making it happen, I mean we are the ones proposing new laws, and also voting for them, so is it all the people of this countries fault and will we just have to deal with it, once if it happens they are controlling everything.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Limited Government

Limited Government

Do we still have limited government? It is hard to know if we do, or not because we have so much but is it all actually needed. In the constitution limited to just the amount necessary to protect our unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Now htere is so much more to granting these rights. We must make sure we are protected from other countries, we all have health care and education. We all have equal taxes, and equal pay for our work. Which leads to the question of do we need all of the government and laws we have today? Did when we had less government we have less to protect? I don't think we did, so why do we have so many laws, and leaders now?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Democracy isn't perfect but it is better then other forms.

I agree completely with this statement. It isn't perfect but what is, we the people get to choose what we want. We get to vote for what we beleive in, this helps us make our country what we want it to be. We also have regulations, and everybody can't be happy, but the majority can. This creates a question of should we just be making the majority happy? What about everyone else, what if their ideas will keep us safer, keep us all happy in the long run, or just actually really be better for our country.

The problem with that is that no one ever seems to listen to the other opinion that is out there anymore only the one that agrees with there own. Can we ever truely have a conversation deciding what is truely right anymore? I don't think we can becuase we have split ourselves up into two seperate groups, or two seperate main groups, democrats and republicans. I don't feel that almost anyone, especially the ones involved in government can talk about what would be good for this country, becuase one can't agree with the other.

Say a republican and a democrat sat down to talk about the war, and just for example it would truely be best if we stayed in the war in Iraq. The democrat would never go against his beleif he was raised on, he spoke upon, and supported, becuase he just can't listen to the other side becuase of how split up our nation. And vis versa for a republican not listening. They will just think of reasons why that wouldn't work and that is all that would come to mind.

Becuase of this we will never know what is truely right for us, and we will never hear the other side, which couldn't be good, and is scary to think we all live in one nation and are yet so far apart and lack the understanding of one another.